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When something is creeping, crawling and itching in your hair and on your scalp, something needs to be done. This can be signs of head lice (and nits). Unfortunately, they do not go away by themselves.
Head lice are small insects that crawl in human hair and feed by sucking blood from the scalp. Head lice are contagious, but require close contact, as lice can neither fly nor jump. Therefore, it is often children who play close together who infect each other, and they then take the little critters home to the family.
However, you can easily and painlessly get rid of the little so-and-sos. Here we guide you to choose just the right products if you want an effective and non-toxic head lice and nit (eggs) treatment.
If you feel itchy and crawling sensations in your hair and on your scalp, you and your family have probably got head lice within the home. It is important that the whole family is treated for head lice if the little creeps have moved in with you.
Both small and large have to be treated to ensure that the lice and their eggs (nits) are completely gone, otherwise there is a risk that you will re-infect each other over and over again.
Anti Lice from Australian Bodycare is a fast, effective and pesticide free treatment. Lice cannot become resistant to this treatment and you can therefore use Anti Lice again if the lice were to return. You can also prevent family lice problems reoccurring with Tea Tree Oil products.
Here we share which shampoo and lice treatment you should use to protect your family from head lice and nit problems.
1) Anti Lice – 15 minute non-toxic head lice treatment
With Anti Lice from Australian Bodycare, you can get rid of the little creeps that torment you and your family in just 15 minutes. Anti Lice is an effective and non-toxic oil that works by encapsulating and suffocating both head lice and their eggs in the hair and on the scalp.
Anti Lice should be distributed through dry hair and onto the scalp and works in just 15 min.
2. Hair Rinse Shampoo – prevents scalp problems after lice treatment
Hair Rinse shampoo effectively cleanses the hair after treatment with Anti Lice. Once you have treated hair and scalp with Anti Lice, apply Hair Rinse Shampoo before wetting your hair.
We recommend that the whole family prevents further head lice problems by washing their hair in Hair Rinse, which, among other things contains the natural Tea Tree Oil, known to counteract bacteria and problems with hair and scalp.
3) Hair Spray – prevents head lice returning after treatment
Head lice love long hair where they can hide and multiply. Once you have got rid of the intruders in the hair and on the scalp using Anti Lice, we recommend that you prevent future problems with head lice returning. Use the preventive Hair Spray, which includes Tea Tree Oil, to ensure a healthy scalp free of intruders.
We have collected 3 products for head lice treatment and prevention of scalp problems in one pack, so you can quickly get started treating the family in case of unexpected visitors.
It is always recommend that you comb through hair thoroughly after head lice treatment. To ensure that the comb slides more easily through the hair and gets rid of all dead head lice and eggs (nits), use Hair Care conditioner.
Hair Care conditioner softens and smooths the hair and helps with tangles to allow effective and easy combing of hair and scalp after treatment for head lice.
Here are 3 good reasons to supplement your lice treatment with Hair Care combing conditioner:
1. Children generally do not like the comb!
After head lice treatment and washing out with shampoo use Hair Care conditioner, your hair and the kids' hair is left without static electricity and the conditioner softens and smooths the hair ensuring that you can easily and painlessly guide the nit comb through the hair, making sure that all dead lice and eggs are removed.
2) Well-groomed and healthy hair
The active ingredient Shea butter ensures that your hair is left soft and glossy after using Head Lice Combing conditioner. Well combed hair also works preventively on lice problems if combined with Hair Rinse head lice shampoo and Hair Spray from the same range.
3.) A healthy scalp free of problems
Like the other products in the anti lice range, Head Lice Combing conditioner contains the active ingredient Tea Tree Oil, which counteracts bacteria and contributes to a healthy scalp. Put an end to scalp problems from head lice by combining Head Lice Combing conditioner with the 3 other head lice treatment products.
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