A hydrated skin is a healthy skin. Fully hydrated skin appears smoother and free of bumps and dimples. Minimizing scars, stretch marks, cellulite or other bumps is helped by a consistent skincare routine.
Below we share with you the products that will ensure that you have smooth, healthy skin whilst improving the appearance of stretch marks, scars, pigment spots and orange-peel skin.
Both orange-peel skin and stretch marks occur in your subcutaneous tissue, once they are there, unfortunately you cannot get rid of them again. But you can do a lot to reduce their appearance.
Stretch marks occur when the fibers of the subcutaneous tissue are stretched and the elasticity of the skin is weakened. This can happen during rapid growth in adolescence, by weight gain or from a rapidly growing stomach during pregnancy.
Orange-peel skin is caused by poor blood circulation and cavities in the connective tissue that allow fat deposits in the lower skin to build up. Therefore, cellulite is often seen on the hips, thighs and butt, where the body stores more fat.
You are probably aware that both conditions are harmless but can be of great cosmetic annoyance.
If you have pigment spots, it is usually because your skin has been exposed to sunlight – and unfortunately too much of it. Pigment defects can also occur for other reasons, such as hormonal influences, skin damage, acne, eczema or the like. Pigment changes occur when the skin's dye, melanin, clumps together.
When the skin heals wounds, it often leaves a permanent reminder in the skin. It is quite a natural part of the skin’s healing process to form scars when, for example, you have had surgery, been injured or have had a caesarean section – but this does not change the fact that the scars can be cosmetically difficult.
The appearance of both pigment spots and scars can be reduced by using the right products. Read on and we will tell you which products we recommend for smoother and healthier skin.
If you want to minimize the appearance of scars, stretch marks, pigment spots or orange-peel skin, you should use a good skin care oil with active ingredients that will clean, nourish and hydrate the skin so that it appears healthy and smooth.
With a good skin care oil, you can moisturise your skin and increase elasticity which can improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars.
By massaging the oil well into the skin, you also boost blood circulation which can help minimize orange-peel skin. The massaging motion also helps the skin absorb the nourishing active ingredients in the oil. Australian Bodycare Body Oil contains ingredients high in vitamins A and E important in helping to smooth out pigment spots and scars and improve the appearance of stretch marks and orange-peel skin.
If your skin is dry and dull, it may be because skin’s sebum production is impaired. Supplement you natural moisturisers by lubricating with Body Oil every day. You can combine Body Oil with Body Lotion if your skin needs that bit of extra care.
Oil is best absorbed into the skin when slightly moist. Therefore, to get the most out of using your Body Oil apply to the whole body straight after your bath or shower. However, you can also use the oil several times a day - on dry skin. Take the opportunity to give yourself a relaxing massage by applying the Body Oil into circular movements. This boosts blood circulation giving your skin a radiant and healthy glow.
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