Blackhead remover - How to remove blackheads with a blackhead remover
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Blackhead remover
The most annoying thing that can happen. You're going to a party, on a date or giving a presentation and now there's a giant black, ugly blackhead right at the centre of your nose or forehead – you can’t miss it. It's already a little inflamed and red and about to become a pimple. Your excitement for the evening is fading, and you’re worried somebody will notice.
In this article, you will learn 3 safe tips to get rid of blackheads, pimples and blemished skin.
You will learn:
- How to remove blackheads and pimples in no time with a blackhead remover
- How to prevent blackheads and pimples in the future
- Which "harsher" remedies you can use if you are severely affected
Are you ready? Shall we start getting rid of blackheads and pimples once and for all?
What are blackheads?
Let's start with some quick facts about blackheads. That way we'll be better equipped to get rid of them.
Blackheads (in medical terms, comedomas), occur when the skin's pores become clogged with sebum. It is a natural oil that gives you shiny skin and oily hair. Without sebum, your skin would become dry and cracked. The problem occurs when some of your pores become clogged with dead skin cells and sebum. That's when you get blackheads, or black dots, as many people call them.
Some of us just produce more sebum than others and are therefore more prone to blackheads. For some reason, blackheads are very common on the nose, but you can also get blackheads elsewhere on your skin.
If you're prone to blackheads, you're probably also prone to pimples.
There's actually a good reason for this.
A blackhead and a pimple are not the same, but a blackhead can develop into a pimple. A pimple is a blocked pore (blackhead) that has become inflamed. Bacteria enter the pore and feed on the dead skin cells. This causes inflammation and boom - you have a pimple. What a bummer!
If you get rid of your blackheads, you'll also get rid of your pimples. Killing two birds with one stone, as they say. So there's good reason to do something about those blackheads. Let’s start with some basic knowledge about blackhead, so that we’re better prepared to deal with them.
What is a blackhead remover?
A blackhead remover can either be an effective product that, when used daily, effectively prevents and removes blackheads on the nose and face. A blackhead remover can also be a tool that you can use to remove blackheads and pimples.
So, what should you go for?
If you want to get rid of blackheads, you need to use some good products daily and use a blackhead remover with a looped end to avoid contact with your fingertips and bacteria when you press your blackheads.
The good news is that you can easily avoid and remove blackheads.
It only requires one thing:
Reading this guide all the way to the end.
And that you follow the tricks we give you in this guide.
Let's get started!
Great cleansing face kit for blackheads on the nose and face
In our big deep cleansing face kit you find some effective products to get rid of blackheads:
Video: How to get rid of blackheads
This is how you remove blackheads
All right, all right, we're getting there.
How to remove blackheads - preferably quickly?
There are several things you can do right now to get rid of a pimple or blackhead. We'll get to that in just a second. Just be aware that blackheads will come back if you don't take good care of your skin afterwards. Because you still have pores and they will get clogged again if you don't take good care of your skin afterwards. So it's not enough to just use a blackhead remover.
Preventing blackheads
A good face wash and skincare regime is the best way to prevent blackheads. It's all about removing the dead skin cells and bacteria from your pores. If you do that, nothing can clog your pores and if you don't get clogged pores, you won't get blackheads. It's really quite straightforward.
This is how you go about it when removing blackheads
Get rid of blackheads with a three-step face wash.
Our effective face wash consists of 3 steps to follow. You get everything you need in our large deep cleansing face pack.
It's enough to follow this routine 2-3 times a week. The rest of the time, you can simply wash your face morning and evening with our Face Wash and then moisturise your skin with our face cream.
If you follow this face wash routine for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at how much better your skin looks.
Step 1: exfoliating by using a Face Mask
Exfoliation means removing dead skin cells. A face mask is a clay-based cream that you leave on the skin to draw out impurities and dead skin cells. Together they make a formidable team to kill even the most stubborn blackheads.
You only need to use the exfoliant and face mask 2-3 times a week. More than that could irritate the skin. Use the face mask after washing your face with Face Wash.
Forget about face masks being for women only! There’s no need to opt for cucumber and avocado smothered all over your face.
Use our Face Mask instead. It's clay-based and contains both sandalwood nut shells and tea tree oil. The sandalwood shells have an exfoliating effect and gently scrub the skin to remove dead skin cells. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect and penetrates deep into the pores. That's bad news for blackheads and pimples!
Step 2: Face wash
The next step is washing your face with soap. We use the soap to remove dirt and oil from the skin and to open the pores. Here you use our Face Wash soap. It contains the antibacterial Tea Tree Oil (all our products do). If you wash your face twice a day - morning and evening - you're already well on your way. It's a good idea to use the face wash while you're in the shower, as the heat will open up your pores. Alternatively, you can put a warm wet cloth on your face for a few minutes.
Step 3: Face Tonic
Next, apply the Australian Bodycare Face Tonic, which deep cleanses the skin without drying it out and removes any remaining oil and dirt.
After the treatment, skin feels clean, fresh and soft. Tea Tree Oil prevents bacteria from sticking to the skin, which helps to prevent new attacks of acne and other blemishes.
It is also rich in antioxidants (extract of cockatoo plum) and restores the skin's natural moisture balance. Does not contain alcohol.
Step 4: Face cream
After you've washed with Face Wash and used our Face Mask, your skin is clean and fine, but also dehydrated. Now it's time to finish off with a good moisturiser like our Face Cream. You might be thinking, if oily skin causes blackheads, why use an oily moisturiser? Well, we do because the skin pores can sense when the skin is dry. Then they start producing extra sebum and that's when we have the problem of clogged pores again. That's why we add oil to the skin again with a moisturiser.

Other ways to remove blackheads
So far, we've been talking about preventing blackheads. It works, but it takes a few weeks before it really shows results. But what do you do if you have a blackhead or pimple you need to get rid of before the weekend party? Here's the quick blackhead remover answer.
Spot Stick for blackheads
A spot stick is made specifically to be applied directly to a blackhead or pimple. It works by drying out the blemish so it looks smaller. Our Spot Stick contains tea tree oil which has an anti-bacterial effect. Use it directly on the pimple or blackhead.
Press them out
Yes, you can squeeze out a blackhead or a pimple, but be careful. You risk making things worse. Blackheads can often be squeezed out, but if you do it wrong, your nose will look like a tomato afterwards and you could end up with scars and sores.
Here's the right way to squeeze out blackheads:
1. Steam the skinHot steam causes the pores to expand, making it easier for them to let go of the blackhead. There are several ways you can use steam. The easiest is to take a long hot shower. You can use a face wash at the same time. You can also boil water and put a towel over your head so that the steam hits your face. It's also fine to just put a warm wet cloth over your face for a few minutes.
2. Squeeze out the blackhead
Now we're getting down to it. There are lots of videos on YouTube of people squeezing out pimples and blackheads. This in itself can be quite fascinating to watch. Especially if you look at some dermatologists such as Dr Pimple Popper. We're lucky we're not her patients because there are some wild examples in there.
Anyway, when the professionals squeeze out a blackhead, they don't just go at it with two fingers. Firstly, they use gloves so they don't get bacteria on the skin. You don't need to wear gloves if you don't have them, a piece of toilet paper or kitchen roll is fine. Press slowly and constantly against the blackhead. Try to avoid using your nails, they can easily cause sores if you press too hard. If the blackhead is too stubborn, you can buy a small "pliers" at the pharmacy to help. These can be good for larger blackheads in particular.
3. Spot Stick
Once you have (tried to) press out the blackhead or pimple, you can then use our Spot Stick. It has an antibacterial effect, which is important because it can easily become infected when you have pressed it out.
Tough remedies beware
If you are really badly affected by large blackheads and pimples, you can get harsher remedies from your doctor and pharmacy.
Salicylic acid is an acid that exfoliates the skin and opens the pores. It's quite harsh on the skin, so don't use it too often.
Australian bodycare has developed a chemical peel with 2% BHA salicylic acid that can be used to exfoliate impure skin and blackheads - learn more about T-zone peeling here.
Benzyol peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent used especially for pimples and acne attacks.
Both of these products are harsh on the skin, so we recommend that you talk to your doctor to see if it's right for you.