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Spots on your chin? - How to get rid of them

Do you have a spot on your chin right now? You are not alone. Spots on the chin, or anywhere on your face for that matter, are a problem for many people – adults as well as adolescents. Here we have created a short guide on why you get spots and what you can do to get rid of them.

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What causes spots on the chin?

Spots, pimples, pustules, papules, blackheads, acne, congested skin, breakouts are all an indication that the skin is stressed in the affected area. Spots are small red swellings in the skin that can have a yellowish underlying collection of puss or sebum.

Spots on the chin are an inflammation of the skin that can quickly develop when the skin is exposed to bacteria. The bacteria multiply in pores and the ducts of sebaceous glands. It is this inflammation that causes swelling and irritation of the skin.

Spots can develop on the chin, but also on the rest of the face and on the body. They are most frequent where there are lots of sebaceous glands and pores. The face is most often affected because there are lots of pores where spots can develop.

Spots on the chin and elsewhere on the face and body can be a big problem. It can feel embarrassing as you can feel everyone is looking at them.

But why do you even get pimples on your chin? Below we describe how spots form.

What are the causes of spots on the chin?

It is so annoying when you find a red and inflamed spot is developing on the chin. But what are the real causes of spots on the chin? There may be several reasons why you develop a spot on your chin. Usually at the most unfortunate times!

Sebum and clogged pores give rise to spots

When you get spots on your chin, it is because the skin pores are clogged with grease, dead skin cells and dirt. This clogs the pores and causes the skin to develop a red swelling we know as a spot.

However, pimples are also caused by sebum. All human skin naturally forms sebum. It is the skin's natural moisturiser and is important in keeping the skin clean and healthy. However, when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, the ducts leading from the sebaceous glands can become blocked or narrowed. The gland continues to produce sebum causing a build up, this in turn attracts bacteria which then cause the gland to swell and become irritated.

The bacterium is called Propionebacterium acnes, and it feeds on the skin's sebum. The bacterium forms an inflammation which results in swelling and redness of the skin – a spot.

Therefore, an overproduction of sebum and clogged pores is one of the most common reasons why you can develop spots on the chin and elsewhere. Genetics can play a role here, too. If your parents have large pores, and yours are similar you may also be more susceptible to the problem. However, it can’t be said that spots are directly hereditary.

Hormonal imbalances can be the cause

If you suffer with spots on your chin, it can also be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Hormones are an important part of your body’s natural function and if they are out of their natural balance, it can lead to congested skin and irritating sore spots. This imbalance may be caused by stress or pregnancy.

Fatty foods are often blamed for congested skin and spots. There is no scientific evidence that chips and other unhealthy and fatty foods have a direct link to the formation of spots. Even if you eat lots of greens and vegetables, you can still get spots. However, some foods can cause a hormonal imbalance. This may be the case with milk.

In cow's milk there are natural hormones, since the cow, in the same way as humans, produces hormones. These are a low and natural part of cow’s milk and is not dangerous. However, a delicate skin with a tendency towards spots can react to even these low levels of hormones and develop spots.

Who is most often affected by spots on the chin?

Spots are one of the most common skin conditions, and anyone can get spots on the chin or elsewhere. However, the problem is more pronounced for certain groups of people.

Spots in adolescents

During puberty it is particularly common to develop spots on the chin and face. During the teenage years, the level of sex hormones in the blood increases – this is true in both sexes. As the sex hormones become a more active this affects enzymes in the sebaceous glands. This means that the sebaceous glands get bigger and that the production of sebum is also increases.

The increased amount of sebum makes the skin more oily, and therefore often causes more spots during this time. Spots on the chin and face can be a problem for adolescents for several years, but this often subsides around the age of 19.

Spots in adult years

Although spots on the chin are often a problem for young people with a tendency towards oily skin, it does not mean you are not susceptible as an adult. For example, women can be more susceptible to spots during menstruation or pregnancy due to changes in hormone levels which may cause the over production of sebum.

Symptoms of spots on the chin

Spots on the chin appear as a red swelling on the skin – often with an underlying pustule of yellowish fluid causing the skin to rise and emphasising the inflammation. The pimple can often be accompanied by tenderness, which gets worse when you touch it.

Spots may appear as superficial congestion, but they can also appear as deep pustules in the skin with slimy, yellow secretions. In this case, the pimple can feel like a kind of ball under the skin.

Symptoms gradually subside and the pimple becomes smaller and smaller over a few days. However, if it is a deep-lying and large pimple, it may take longer for the inflammation to disappear before the skin can heal by itself.

What treatment is there?

If you suffer with spots on your chin, what is it best to do to treat the problem? It is a problem that many people are bothered by and fortunately there are ways to remedy it.

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Be sure to cleanse the skin

When you need to treat spots, first, it is most important to keep the skin clean and free of bacteria, which are the cause of the inflammation and spot. This is the most effective way to reduce spots and congested skin.

The Australian Bodycare Face Care range, provides the complete package of four products to effectively beat and prevent spots on the chin and on the rest of the face. The pack consists of a Spot Stick, Face Wash, Face Tonic and Face Cream, all of which contain 100% natural Australian Tea Tree Oil. The oil has unique anti-bacterial properties which counteract bacteria by covering the skin in a thin membrane that makes it difficult for bacteria to penetrate the skin's sebaceous glands and pores and attach to an inflamed pimple.

Together, the products keep the skin clean and free of bacteria. Wash your face with the mild Face Wash both morning and evening. This cleanses the skin of bacteria, grease and dirt – without drying out the skin. However, be sure not to wash the face too much as it will simply irritate the skin and make the problem worse. Follow with the Face Tonic,  which deep cleanses the pores. Finally, moisturise with the Face Cream. This keeps the skin supple, soft and hydrated and more able to fight off bacteria and adds the last layer of protection against bacteria.

With the Spot Stick at hand, you have a here-and-now treatment that helps stop the development of a spot on your chin. Use the stick on the skin area as soon as you notice the first signs of a spot. It gives effective and immediate relief and will prevent it from developing.

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Medical treatment of spots

Although washing and cleaning are the most effective way to prevent and reduce spots on your chin, in some cases it may require additional treatment and a visit to your doctor. In the case of severe acne and spots, it is a good idea to seek advice from your own doctor to avoid permanent damage to the skin.

In this case, medicines with tougher ointments and tablets may be necessary. In the vast majority of cases, your doctor will refer you to a dermatologist who can assess which means can best help you deal with the problem.

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